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PMS Software for ships
Vessel Planned Maintenance Software

Shipmanagement Software

The power of our ship management suite is evidenced by the very wide adoption of the system
by the industry. Hundreds of our long-time customers have been using the suite over many years
fully automatically and run their daily procedures and are reaping the benefits of a transparent
ship-to-shore information sharing system.

PMS Software for ships

Application software specially designed for maintenance monitoring on any marine or industrial plant. Provides flexible specification of required maintenance integrating with the spares usage. Integrates maintenance with class surveys. Permits decoupling of maintenance continuity from personnel changes. Semi-annual concise maintenance and survey planning and full maintenance plan for any required period. Spare parts usage monitoring and future requirements prediction.

PMS Software for vessels

PMS Software for Ships

PMS Software
for ships

Our PMS software software for ships and rigs is a leading Technical Management
system in hundreds of ships and rigs worldwide.

Apart from Planned Maintenance, Spare Parts and Inventory Control, it privides also the links
to our purchasing, Marine Accounting, ISM, Risk Assessment and CRewing, thus integrating
your technical, economic, risk, ISM and personnel management.

Planning :
Flexible specifications
Libraries of equipments with job schedules
Planning reports
Job status reporting
Condition based maintenance
Alert notifications


Survey status
Survey associated job reporting
Intergration of maintenance and class surveys
Maintenance history
Recommendation follow-up

Spares usage and inventory
Automatic requisition generator
Spares future prediction
Job perormance analysis
Repair cost follow-up

Technical Management
Docking/repair planner
Job performance analysis
Budget control
Personnel verification
Overdue maintenance follow-up

Follow-up jobs and spares
Spares requisitions
Reporting to Office

To know more about many other features of the Ship Management Suite including the Planned Maintenence, ISM,
Vessel Crewing, Risk Assessment, Vessel Performance, KPI, Spares control & monitoring etc and for a demo,
please contact us
PMS Software for ships
Vessel Planned Maintenance Software

Shipmanagement Software

The power of our ship management suite is evidenced by the very wide adoption of the system
by the industry. Hundreds of our long-time customers have been using the suite over many years
fully automatically and run their daily procedures and are reaping the benefits of a transparent
ship-to-shore information sharing system.

PMS Software for ships

Application software specially designed for maintenance monitoring on any marine or industrial plant. Provides flexible specification of required maintenance integrating with the spares usage. Integrates maintenance with class surveys. Permits decoupling of maintenance continuity from personnel changes. Semi-annual concise maintenance and survey planning and full maintenance plan for any required period. Spare parts usage monitoring and future requirements prediction.

PMS Software for vessels

PMS Software for Ships

PMS Software
for ships

Our PMS software software for ships and rigs is a leading Technical Management system in hundreds of ships and rigs worldwide.

Apart from Planned Maintenance, Spare Parts and Inventory Control, it privides also the links
to our purchasing, Marine Accounting, ISM, Risk Assessment and CRewing, thus integrating
your technical, economic, risk, ISM and personnel management.

Planning :
Flexible specifications
Libraries of equipments with job schedules
Planning reports
Job status reporting
Condition based maintenance
Alert notifications


Survey status
Survey associated job reporting
Intergration of maintenance and class surveys
Maintenance history
Recommendation follow-up

Spares usage and inventory
Automatic requisition generator
Spares future prediction
Job perormance analysis
Repair cost follow-up

Vessel PMS Software

PMS Software for ships

Vessel PMS Software

PMS Software for rigs and ships

Technical Management
Docking/repair planner
Job performance analysis
Budget control
Personnel verification
Overdue maintenance follow-up

Follow-up jobs and spares
Spares requisitions
Reporting to Office

To know more about many other features of the Ship Management Suite including the Planned Maintenence, ISM,
Vessel Crewing, Risk Assessment, Vessel Performance, KPI, Spares control & monitoring etc and for a demo,
please contact us
PMS Software for ships
Vessel Planned Maintenance Software

PMS Software for vessels

Shipmanagement Software

The power of our ship management suite is evidenced by the very wide adoption of the system
by the industry. Hundreds of our long-time customers have been using the suite over many years fully automatically and run their daily procedures and are reaping the benefits of a transparent ship-to-shore information sharing system.

PMS Software for ships

Application software specially designed for maintenance monitoring on any marine or industrial plant. Provides flexible specification of required maintenance integrating with the spares usage. Integrates maintenance with class surveys. Permits decoupling of maintenance continuity from personnel changes. Semi-annual concise maintenance and survey planning and full maintenance plan for any required period. Spare parts usage monitoring and future requirements prediction.


PMS Software for Ships

PMS Software for ships

Our PMS software software for ships and rigs is a leading Technical Management system in hundreds of ships and rigs worldwide.

Apart from Planned Maintenance, Spare Parts and Inventory Control, it privides also the links
to our purchasing, Marine Accounting, ISM, Risk Assessment and CRewing, thus integrating
your technical, economic, risk, ISM and personnel management.

Planning :
Flexible specifications
Libraries of equipments with job schedules
Planning reports
Job status reporting
Condition based maintenance
Alert notifications

Vessel PMS Software

PMS Software for ships


Survey status
Survey associated job reporting
Intergration of maintenance and class surveys
Maintenance history
Recommendation follow-up

Spares usage and inventory
Automatic requisition generator
Spares future prediction
Job perormance analysis
Repair cost follow-up

Vessel PMS Software

PMS Software for rigs and ships

Technical Management
Docking/repair planner
Job performance analysis
Budget control
Personnel verification
Overdue maintenance follow-up

Follow-up jobs and spares
Spares requisitions
Reporting to Office

To know more about many other features of the Ship Management Suite including the Planned Maintenence, ISM,
Vessel Crewing, Risk Assessment, Vessel Performance, KPI, Spares control & monitoring etc and for a demo,
please contact us

Shipmanagement Software Freight Collection Software Vessel Crewing Software
EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software Bunkering Software Marine Accounting Software
ISM Software Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Vessel Operations Software
Web Based Shipmanagement Software Complete On-board Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs
Shipboard MGA Software Voyage Estimation Software Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software
Complete On-board Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software
Web Based Shipmanagement Software Bunkering Software Bunker Trading Software
ISM Software Shipboard MGA Software Vessel Crewing Software
Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software Voyage Estimation Software Vessel Operations Software
Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Marine Accounting Software Shipmanagement Software
Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Web Based Shipmanagement Software
Vessel Operations Software Bunker Trading Software
ISM Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs
Freight Collection Software Shipboard MGA Software
Shipmanagement Software Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software
Marine Accounting Software Voyage Estimation Software
EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software Vessel Crewing Software
Complete On-board Software
