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  EEOI/SEEMP/MRV Software  
MRV Software for ships   Our SEEMP / EEOI / MRV module encompasses the full
spectrum of IMO regulations and guidelines regarding
ship efficiency. This module enables the
management to identify the root causes of
operational deficiencies and achieve above the
competition performance level for each vessel type.

Energy Efficiency Module is a performance
monitoring tool in terms in technical, financial
& statutory (EEOI, MRV, etc.) terms

The data is collected from the ships using our
systems or any existing systems within the company.
This data is then analysed and the reports are
generated in the formats required by the various
authorities for the certifications.

The Maritime Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) was made mandatory for new ships and the
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships at MEPC 62 (July 2011) with the
adoption of amendments to MARPOL Annex VI (resolution MEPC.203(62)), by Parties to
MARPOL Annex VI. This was the first legally binding climate change treaty to be adopted
since the Kyoto Protocol.

Fleet performance and environmental impact are benchmarked against the optimal level, allowing the
shipping company to monitor, improve and report the results in a standardized format.
Environmental impact & Fuel consumption are the key concepts behind our SEEMP module

Integrated Communications Systems
Unified Messaging Systems For Shipbrokers & Shipping Companies

Complete Integrated & Secure Communications Systems for Email, Fax, SMS, Voice message alongwith a Document Management System for PCs and mobile devices

Messaging and collaboration services - ON ANY DEVICE

The world of telecommunications is presently going through a period of extraordinary development.
New services and technologies constantly generate fresh opportunities especially for the shipping industry.
In light of the above background, your telecommunications system will become the basic resource for you to
be truly competitive. With increasing external pressure and competitive threats, organizations that use technology
in innovative ways are better equipped to penetrate new markets more cost-efficiently and pro-actively than
those who do not. Infogate System, which is based on the latest technology systems, can substantially assist
in solving recurring requests of companies, such as:

Full management and control of their incoming and outgoing messages (Fax, Telex, Internet-mail,
Ship to Shore Communications (for shipping companies), Voice-mail, Interoffice-mail, X-400, Refilers, SMS)

Full integration with all DANAOS Applications (Operations, Accounting, Chartering, Supplies, Document Management Application, etc.)

Automatic filing and classification procedures of documents, always according to ISO requirements
and company policy

Follow-up of workflow and process performance

Easy search and quick presentation of information as per user’s request

Ability to forward information to other authorized users

Ability to immediately locate additional information, which is possibly dispersed in other documents
and is relative to the initial information requested

Remote access via Internet (Remote Infogate System, Standard Web browser, Wap enable)

Direct availability of information to the user wherever he/she is working on (inside or outside of the company, at home, during a trip, at the headquarters of a customer, etc.)

Multiple security levels and absolute guarantee for top secret information whenever it is necessary

Keep statistics data and facilitate business decision making.

Minimize movements of company’s files and distribution of endless stacks of paper from one desk to another

Decrease waste of precious time and increase productivity

Reduce communication costs

Exceptional reliability and 365x24x7 support

Additionally, the Infogate System has been designed to provide:

User –friendly interface under MS-Windows environment

HTML Editor – prepare, re-edit and transmit Internet e-mails with colour, links, embedded images,
animations and sound.

Alarm notifications with snooze option, using alert words

Open architecture and flexibility

Document templates for standard messages

Interfacing with other systems and subsystems

Support of databases (RDBMS)

Support of intranets and Internet

Utilization of already existing infrastructure

Easy upgrade from LAN to WAN

Low cost of maintenance, since Infogate System is managed by one Communication Server only 

Mobile (Blackberry – iPhone – Android - Windows Mobile) services

Designed specifically for businesses, the Infogate System-Mobile module is a complete wireless
communications solution that simplifies remote email access while addressing crucial corporate
requirements regarding security, integration and cost. It enables you to empower your mobile
workforce and to enjoy global reach and choice. Users get effortless access to email while on the road.
The Danaos interface manages the link between any mobile devices with push technology in
your organization and the Danaos Infogate System Enterprise application.

The Infogate – Mobile Devices interface supports:

Browsers hat have been setup in the office can be auto forwarded to a mobile device
Automatic forwarding of folders
Creation of emails from a device that will appear as outgoing messages in theInfogate System
Email messages received from mobile device will appear as incoming messages in the Infogate System
Remote users can work with different level mail addresses (personal, departmental or company)
Interoffice memos
Remote custom configuration
Address Book Synchronization
Calendar Synchronization

Integrated Communications Systems
Unified Messaging Systems For Shipbrokers & Shipping Companies

Complete Integrated & Secure Communications Systems for Email, Fax, SMS, Voice message alongwith a Document Management System for PCs and mobile devices

Messaging and collaboration services - ON ANY DEVICE

The world of telecommunications is presently going through a period of extraordinary development.
New services and technologies constantly generate fresh opportunities especially for the shipping industry.
In light of the above background, your telecommunications system will become the basic resource for you to
be truly competitive. With increasing external pressure and competitive threats, organizations that use technology
in innovative ways are better equipped to penetrate new markets more cost-efficiently and pro-actively than
those who do not. Infogate System, which is based on the latest technology systems, can substantially assist
in solving recurring requests of companies, such as:

Full management and control of their incoming and outgoing messages (Fax, Telex, Internet-mail,
Ship to Shore Communications (for shipping companies), Voice-mail, Interoffice-mail, X-400, Refilers, SMS)

Full integration with all DANAOS Applications (Operations, Accounting, Chartering, Supplies, Document Management Application, etc.)

Automatic filing and classification procedures of documents, always according to ISO requirements
and company policy

Follow-up of workflow and process performance

Easy search and quick presentation of information as per user’s request

Ability to forward information to other authorized users

Ability to immediately locate additional information, which is possibly dispersed in other documents
and is relative to the initial information requested

Remote access via Internet (Remote Infogate System, Standard Web browser, Wap enable)

Direct availability of information to the user wherever he/she is working on (inside or outside of the company, at home, during a trip, at the headquarters of a customer, etc.)

Multiple security levels and absolute guarantee for top secret information whenever it is necessary

Keep statistics data and facilitate business decision making.

Minimize movements of company’s files and distribution of endless stacks of paper from one desk to another

Decrease waste of precious time and increase productivity

Reduce communication costs

Exceptional reliability and 365x24x7 support

Additionally, the Infogate System has been designed to provide:

User –friendly interface under MS-Windows environment

HTML Editor – prepare, re-edit and transmit Internet e-mails with colour, links, embedded images,
animations and sound.

Alarm notifications with snooze option, using alert words

Open architecture and flexibility

Document templates for standard messages

Interfacing with other systems and subsystems

Support of databases (RDBMS)

Support of intranets and Internet

Utilization of already existing infrastructure

Easy upgrade from LAN to WAN

Low cost of maintenance, since Infogate System is managed by one Communication Server only 

Mobile (Blackberry – iPhone – Android - Windows Mobile) services

Designed specifically for businesses, the Infogate System-Mobile module is a complete wireless
communications solution that simplifies remote email access while addressing crucial corporate
requirements regarding security, integration and cost. It enables you to empower your mobile
workforce and to enjoy global reach and choice. Users get effortless access to email while on the road.
The Danaos interface manages the link between any mobile devices with push technology in
your organization and the Danaos Infogate System Enterprise application.

The Infogate – Mobile Devices interface supports:

Browsers hat have been setup in the office can be auto forwarded to a mobile device
Automatic forwarding of folders
Creation of emails from a device that will appear as outgoing messages in theInfogate System
Email messages received from mobile device will appear as incoming messages in the Infogate System
Remote users can work with different level mail addresses (personal, departmental or company)
Interoffice memos
Remote custom configuration
Address Book Synchronization
Calendar Synchronization

Shipmanagement Software Freight Collection Software Vessel Crewing Software
EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software Bunkering Software Marine Accounting Software
ISM Software Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Vessel Operations Software
Web Based Shipmanagement Software Complete On-board Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs
Shipboard MGA Software Voyage Estimation Software Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software
Complete On-board Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software
Web Based Shipmanagement Software Bunkering Software Bunker Trading Software
ISM Software Shipboard MGA Software Vessel Crewing Software
Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software Voyage Estimation Software Vessel Operations Software
Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Marine Accounting Software Shipmanagement Software
Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Web Based Shipmanagement Software
Vessel Operations Software Bunker Trading Software
ISM Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs
Freight Collection Software Shipboard MGA Software
Shipmanagement Software Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software
Marine Accounting Software Voyage Estimation Software
EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software Vessel Crewing Software
Complete On-board Software
