ISM Manual Administrator:
- Version Control
Prior and future Version Generator
- Distribution control
- Document oriented structure
- Cross-referencing
- Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach
- Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)
ISM Checklist Administrator:
Flexible specification of checklist items
- version control
- Distribution control
- Frequency specification
- Dynamic form generation from checklist items.
(Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of forms and results).
ISM Training Assistant:
Preparation of training sessions
- Creation of Company training schemes
- Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees
- Multiple choice interactive trainer
- Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.
ISM Checklists :
- Flexible specifications
- Dynamic form generation
Drill Administrator: Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.
Our services office can create the entire ISM manuals of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and linked into the ISM system. |