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  ISM Software
QA/ISM Followup Software

QHSE/ISM Software

Our ISM/QHSE package is designed to provide the launch platform of the company preparation and certification to ISM/QHSE requirements. It provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM/QHSEsystem once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance. The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum human intervention is required for application the closed - loop principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator open new horizons not only in light of the ISM/QHSE but in the most efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on board and ashore.

The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with the Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete and integrated safety, quality and information system can be built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified platform to build its competitiveness.

ISM/QHSE and Document Management Software

Accident Reporter :
- Recording of accidents and near-misses
- Conditions, details injuries recording
- Statistical evaluations
- Near miss correlation analysis
- Accident causal analysis
- Follow-up of accidents
- Documentation control
- Corrective action control
- Graphical presentation of statistics.

Safety and Audit Inspections :
- Flexible definition of inspection items
- Scheduling of inspections per vessel
- Planning of Inspector visits
- Archiving of inspections
- Recording of Deficiencies.
(Optional: Archiving of inspections photos - Comparative/evolutionary item analysis - Quality/Safety deficiency reporting - Internal/Statutory audit follow-up).

Seminar Administrator: Scheduling of seminars - Allocation of participants - Record keeping for execution and participation.
ISM Manual Administrator:
- Version Control
- Prior and future Version Generator
- Distribution control
- Document oriented structure
- Cross-referencing
- Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach
- Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)

ISM Checklist Administrator:
- Flexible specification of checklist items
- version control
- Distribution control
- Frequency specification
- Dynamic form generation from checklist items.
(Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of forms and results).

ISM Training Assistant:
- Preparation of training sessions
- Creation of Company training schemes
- Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees
- Multiple choice interactive trainer
- Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.

ISM Checklists :
- Flexible specifications
- Dynamic form generation

Drill Administrator:
Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.

Our services office can create the entire ISM manuals of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and linked into the ISM system.




ISM Software
QA/ISM Followup Software


QA/ISM Followup Software

Our ISM package is designed to provide the launch platform of the company preparation and certification to ISM requirements. It provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM system once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance. The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum human intervention is required for application the closed - loop principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator open new horizons not only in light of the ISM but in the most efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on board and ashore.

The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with the Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete and integrated safety, quality and information system can be built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified platform to build its competitiveness.

ISM and Document Management Software

ISM Software

ISM Software for shipping



ISM Manual Administrator:
- Version Control
- Prior and future Version Generator
- Distribution control
- Document oriented structure
- Cross-referencing
- Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach
- Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)

ISM Checklist Administrator:
- Flexible specification of checklist items
- version control
- Distribution control
- Frequency specification
- Dynamic form generation from checklist items.
(Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of forms and results).

ISM Training Assistant:
- Preparation of training sessions
- Creation of Company training schemes
- Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees
- Multiple choice interactive trainer
- Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.

ISM Checklists :
- Flexible specifications
- Dynamic form generation

Drill Administrator:
Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.

Our services office can create the entire ISM manuals of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and linked into the ISM system.

Accident Reporter :
- Recording of accidents and near-misses
- Conditions, details injuries recording
- Statistical evaluations
- Near miss correlation analysis
- Accident causal analysis
- Follow-up of accidents
- Documentation control
- Corrective action control
- Graphical presentation of statistics.

Safety and Audit Inspections :
- Flexible definition of inspection items
- Scheduling of inspections per vessel
- Planning of Inspector visits
- Archiving of inspections
- Recording of Deficiencies.
(Optional: Archiving of inspections photos - Comparative/evolutionary item analysis - Quality/Safety deficiency reporting - Internal/Statutory audit follow-up).

Seminar Administrator: Scheduling of seminars - Allocation of participants - Record keeping for execution and participation.

ISM Software
QA/ISM Followup Software


ISM Software

QA/ISM Followup Software

Our ISM package is designed to provide the launch platform of the company preparation and certification to ISM requirements. It provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM system once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance. The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum human intervention is required for application the closed - loop principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator open new horizons not only in light of the ISM but in the most efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on board and ashore.

The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with the Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete and integrated safety, quality and information system can be built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified platform to build its competitiveness.

ISM and Document Management Software


ISM Software for shipping


Accident Reporter :
- Recording of accidents and near-misses
- Conditions, details injuries recording
- Statistical evaluations
- Near miss correlation analysis
- Accident causal analysis
- Follow-up of accidents
- Documentation control
- Corrective action control
- Graphical presentation of statistics.

Safety and Audit Inspections :
- Flexible definition of inspection items
- Scheduling of inspections per vessel
- Planning of Inspector visits
- Archiving of inspections
- Recording of Deficiencies.
(Optional: Archiving of inspections photos - Comparative/evolutionary item analysis - Quality/Safety deficiency reporting - Internal/Statutory audit follow-up).

Seminar Administrator: Scheduling of seminars - Allocation of participants - Record keeping for execution and participation.

ISM Manual Administrator:
- Version Control
- Prior and future Version Generator
- Distribution control
- Document oriented structure
- Cross-referencing
- Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach
- Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)

ISM Checklist Administrator:
- Flexible specification of checklist items
- version control
- Distribution control
- Frequency specification
- Dynamic form generation from checklist items.
(Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of forms and results).

ISM Training Assistant:
- Preparation of training sessions
- Creation of Company training schemes
- Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees
- Multiple choice interactive trainer
- Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.

ISM Checklists :
- Flexible specifications
- Dynamic form generation

Drill Administrator:
Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.

Our services office can create the entire ISM manuals of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and linked into the ISM system.

Shipmanagement Software Freight Collection Software Vessel Crewing Software
EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software Bunkering Software Marine Accounting Software
ISM Software Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Vessel Operations Software
Web Based Shipmanagement Software Complete On-board Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs
Shipboard MGA Software Voyage Estimation Software Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software
Complete On-board Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software
Web Based Shipmanagement Software Bunkering Software Bunker Trading Software
ISM Software Shipboard MGA Software Vessel Crewing Software
Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software Voyage Estimation Software Vessel Operations Software
Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Marine Accounting Software Shipmanagement Software
Web Based Integrated Shipping ERP Web Based Shipmanagement Software
Vessel Operations Software Bunker Trading Software
ISM Software PMS Software for Ships & Rigs
Freight Collection Software Shipboard MGA Software
Shipmanagement Software Cloud Based Shipmanagement Software
Marine Accounting Software Voyage Estimation Software
EEOI SEEMP DCS ETS CII Calculations Software Vessel Crewing Software
Complete On-board Software
